Who's in Charge Here?
A quick post . . .
The president has brokered a deal to place port security in the hands of a company based in the United Arab Emerits.
Two of the 9/11 hijackers were born in the UAE. When the US government tried to follow the 9/11 money trail, the UAE blocked US access to bank accounts through which some of these funds were moved.
The president wants to claim that resistance to this deal is "prejudiced," that it diplays an anti-Arab bias.
I have news for the president. Sometimes a bias amounts to little more than common sense. When it comes to the security of our nation's borders, I believe it's reasonable to exercise some discretion when it comes to ELECTIVE decisions regarding who is guarding the ports of entry into our country.
Perhaps it's xenophobic. But I'd rather be thought of as a xenophobe and be wrong than witness events that validate my worst suspicions.